Financial Services

  • Cloud Infrastructure Technical Compliance Automation

IT infrastructure technical compliance is of paramount importance in the financial services industry due to the critical nature of the data and high value of the transactions being processed. Ensuring compliance with established regulations and industry standards safeguards the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of sensitive financial information. Djuno offers several tools that automate tasks related to ensuring technical compliance and save time and effort ensuring compliance with established regulations and industry standards.

  • Business Continuity / Operational Resilience

Financial institutions rely heavily on data to operate. In the event of a disaster or system failure, having a reliable backup system ensures that critical data can be quickly restored, minimizing downtime and preventing financial losses. Additionally, financial institutions are subject to strict regulatory requirements that mandate the protection and retention of data, making efficient backups essential for compliance. Without efficient data backups, financial institutions risk losing valuable data, facing regulatory penalties, and damaging their reputation with customers. There are numerous well documented examples with service interruptions from major cloud providers that lead to significant loss of business and respective loss of revenue to businesses relying on cloud infrastructure. Djuno offers tools that allow the maintenance of always on low-cost data backups that enable the uninterrupted provision of critical services.

Products/Services: Djuno Latency (monitoring of server response times); Djuno Always on Backup (uninterrupted operation in the case of cloud provider failure)

  • Cloud Infrastructure Cost Reduction

Cloud infrastructure costs have been increasing significantly in recent years, making it difficult for businesses to manage their IT budgets effectively. This trend is due to the growing demand for cloud services, coupled with the limited supply of cloud infrastructure resources. As a result, businesses are facing higher costs for cloud storage, computing power, and network bandwidth, which can lead to reduced profitability and hinder innovation. Additionally, high cloud infrastructure costs can limit the ability of small and medium-sized businesses to compete with larger enterprises, creating an uneven playing field in the market. Ultimately, the rising cost of cloud infrastructure can have negative consequences for businesses, including reduced competitiveness, lower profitability, and slower innovation.

Products/Services: Compass (Monitoring of VM costs from over 100 providers around the world) Sowa (AI Predictive Analytics to forecast infrastructure load and provision it accordingly to optimise performance and resources)

  • DevOps Automation / Cost Reduction

The complexity of modern software systems can make it challenging to manage and maintain infrastructure, leading to higher costs. Costs are driven up by the need for specialized skills and expertise in areas such as cloud computing, automation, and security can drive up labour costs, by the cost of tools and technologies required to support DevOps processes, such as continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, the need for testing and quality assurance. Also, the cost of downtime and system failures can be high, making it essential to invest in robust monitoring and disaster recovery capabilities. Djuno offers a number of tools that can significantly reduce the cost of resources that need to be allocated to DevOps tasks.

Products/Services: Swarm (Platform as a service in the box); Sowa (AI Predictive Analytics to forecast infrastructure load and provision it accordingly to optimise performance and resources), Djuno Latency (monitoring of server response times);

  • Multi Cloud Setups and Cloud Migration

There may be situations where for data compliance reasons a financial service institution may need to combine services for different cloud providers as not a single one covers all the required geographic reasons. Also, migration to a different cloud may sometimes be needed for cost-management of other strategic reasons. Such migration, when done manually, can be time-consuming and labour-intensive, and require significant resources and expertise. Djuno offers several tools and services to automate the discovery of the best value for money among the various cloud providers that need the organisation’s need, to virtualise and combine easily the services of various cloud providers as well as to automate the migration process from one cloud provider to another.

Products/Services: Compass (Compare prices and discover a better priced offering Cloud Migration (automated cloud to cloud migration through virtualisation); Djuno Swarm (Platform as a service in the box); Djuno DKMS (decentralised key management system that allows ensuring all the necessary data governance and permissions management that meets the requirements of enterprise customers)

  • Data Governance, Compliance and Commercialisation

Web3 offers new opportunities to automate and decentralised business processes in the financial services industry while ensuring higher degree of compliance by design. This also offers new mechanisms for data monetisation.

Products/Services: Djib Decentralised Data Storage (AWS S3 compatible decentralised data storage) Djib Drive (user friendly interface resembling Google Drive for accessing decentralised storage) Djib Save as NFT (ability to save any document as NFT with attached business logic templates); Djuno DKMS (decentralised key management system that allows ensuring all the necessary data governance and permissions management that meets the requirements of enterprise customers).

  • Business Process Automation

Djuno has developed several building blocks that allow the transfer of business processes (and the enforcement of their associated governance and compliance) on-chain.

Products/Services: Djib Sign (fully decentralised alternative to DocuSign) Djuno DKMS (decentralised key management system that allows ensuring all the necessary data governance and permissions management that meets the requirements of enterprise customers) Djib Contract (smart contract that mirrors and automates the execution of the terms of a real-life contract)

  • Digital Transformation

Digital transformation can significantly improve a business's efficiency by automating manual processes, reducing errors, and improving productivity. Djuno has accumulated successful experience in assisting the digital transformation of companies in the financial services industry.

Products/Services: Implementation (consulting services), as well as the analytics, forecasting, automation and price discovery tools: Sowa (AI Predictive Analytics to forecast infrastructure load and provision it accordingly to optimise performance and resources), Compass (Compare prices and discover a better priced offering), Cloud Migration (automated cloud to cloud migration through virtualisation); Djuno Swarm (Platform as a service in the box); Djuno DKMS (decentralised key management system that allows ensuring all the necessary data governance and permissions management that meets the requirements of enterprise customers)