Swarm; Platform-as-a-Service in a Box

Tech Archetype Orchestration. PaaS in a box. Seamless migration between clouds.

Operator Framework

Swarm is Djuno's operator framework meant to reduce operational overhead by facilitating the configuration and deployment in the cloud. Swarm has three main functionalities:

  • It provisions the machines and infrastructure.
  • It deploys the archetype.
  • Monitors and manages archetype: resources, VMs, application, containers, environments. It scales up and down, config/re-config, takes care of placement, manages identity, access and security.

Swarm is infrastructure agnostic and can run in any multi and hybrid cloud environment.

Stack Archetypes​

Swarm is deeply rooted in the philosophy of stack archetypes. It means that by describing the relation between platforms and software in the stack, the archetype of the entire (bottom-top) resources stack should be revealed. Focusing on the archetype as our key principle, we are able to automate the entire stack and its resources in truly vendor-agnostic manner (regarding cloud infrastructure and software provider).

Put simply, Swarm manages, orchestrates and provisions infrastructure similar to the way that container orchestration platforms handle containers.