Enterprise Storage

Decentralised storage offers new opportunities to automate data governance and data compliance in the enterprise. It also enables new mechanisms for data monetisation. Djuno has developed several products that allow the easy adoption of decentralised storage by the enterprise therefore opening the door for the gradual adoption of Web3 technologies.

  • Data Governance and Compliance Automation

Data governance and compliance are critical for ensuring that sensitive data is handled and stored securely and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. In the context of decentralised storage networks, data governance and compliance can be automated using smart contracts, access control mechanisms, and encryption. Smart contracts can automatically enforce the rules and policies governing the use and storage of data – for example, automatically granting access only to authorised users, or automatically deleting data after a certain period of time. Access control mechanisms, such as end-to-end encryption in combination with decentralised encryption key management systems (DKMS), can also be used to ensure that only authorised users are able to access the data.

Products/Services: Djib Decentralised Data Storage (AWS S3 compatible decentralised data storage) Djib Drive (user friendly interface resembling Google Drive for accessing decentralised storage) Djib Save as NFT (ability to save any document as NFT with attached business logic templates)) Djuno DKMS (decentralised key management system that allows ensuring all the necessary data governance and permissions management that meets the requirements of enterprise customers).

  • Data Sharing

Decentralised storage networks and the use of smart contracts can facilitate data sharing by providing a secure and efficient way for users to share their data with others by automatically enforcing the terms of the data sharing agreements and ensuring that the data is only shared with authorised users. Additionally, it can enable a decentralised, global platform for data sharing, which could allow users to share their data with others across the network, without the need for intermediaries or centralised control. This can facilitate collaboration and innovation, and drive the development of new and exciting applications and services.

Products/Services: Djib Decentralised Data Storage (AWS S3 compatible decentralised data storage) Djib Drive (user friendly interface resembling Google Drive for accessing decentralised storage) Djib Save as NFT (ability to save any document as NFT with attached business logic templates)) Djuno DKMS (decentralised key management system that allows ensuring all the necessary data governance and permissions management that meets the requirements of enterprise customers).

  • Data Monetization

In the context of decentralised storage, data monetisation can be achieved by allowing users to sell access to their data to other users who are willing to pay for it. For example, patients could sell anonymised access to their medical records, including genetic information, personality traits, and disease status to facilitate research. Additionally, data monetisation on a DS network can be assisted using tokens or other cryptocurrency-based systems to create a market for data, allowing users to buy and sell data using tokens or other forms of digital currency. This should result in a more efficient and flexible market for data, enabling users to easily monetise their data and access the data they need, ultimately generating new revenue streams and providing both pharma companies and individuals with greater control over their data and its value.

Products/Services: Djib Decentralised Data Storage (AWS S3 compatible decentralised data storage) Djib Drive (user friendly interface resembling Google Drive for accessing decentralised storage) Djib Save as NFT (ability to save any document as NFT with attached business logic templates)) Djuno DKMS (decentralised key management system that allows ensuring all the necessary data governance and permissions management that meets the requirements of enterprise customers)